Police: 113
Carabinieri: 112
Fire fighters: 115
Ambulance: 118
Lost and found objects: via Circondaria 17b –+39- 055-328.3942 / 328.3943
ACI car service: 116
Car removal: +39-055-783.882 24 hours a day, cash / debit / credit card payments
S. Maria Nuova Hospital
Piazza S. Maria Nuova 1: +39-055-27581
Police Stations
Police – S. Giovanni Commissariat
via Pietrapiana, 50r – +39-055-203911 – Fax +39-055-20391370
Police Headquarters
Via Zara, 2 – +39-055-49771 – Fax +39-055-4977616
Carabinieri – Provincial command
Borgo Ognissanti, 48 – +39-055-24811 – Fax +39-055-2481705
Medical assistance
Vicolo degli Adimari 1 (Piazza Duomo): +39-055-212.221
24 hours on 24, Via Lorenzo il Magnifico 59: +39-055-475.411
Pharmacies open 24 hours a day
All’Insegna del Moro, Piazza S. Giovanni (Duomo) 20: +39-055-211343
To find out the opening hours and information on all the pharmacies in Florence, call the free number: 800.420.707
Useful Tourist Services
Florence Santa Maria Novella station
Information on the Italian railways (F.S.): 848888088
Booking service: 199166177 / +39-055-235.64.23.
Website: www.trenitalia.com
Florence Amerigo Vespucci Airport
Via del Termine, 11 – 50127 Florence
Tourist information +39-055-315.874
Website: www.aeroporto.firenze.it
Airport of PISA Galileo Galilei
Website: www.pisa-airport.it
055-4390 / 055-4499
055-4798 / 055-4242
Tourist Offices
Tourist information office
Via Cavour 1r
APT Florence Tourism Agency
Via Manzoni 16,
+39-055-233.20 – Fax +39-055-234.62.86
Website: www.firenzeturismo.it